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2005-04-05 - 12:18 a.m.

Hello, today I mostly slept all day. My mom and my sister went to the animal shelter to see if they had our cat. When my mom called the recording she thought that they had our cat. They described a cat that looked like ours. They didn't have him. I think someone took him. He wasn't wearing a cat collar. We even posted posters around our neighborhood. Nobody has contacted us yet. I don't think he's coming back. No other cat can replace him. This website is still fucked up. I still can't fill out or do my surveys. I even emailed this site twice. I don't know what is going on. it is annoying. I just paid for a gold membership 3 weeks ago. All my money went to nothing. It is really making me mad. Well, Im gonna go. Bye for now.

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